Maximize the benefits of smoke-free products

At PMI, we are accelerating the end of smoking by making cigarettes obsolete. To that end, we are transforming our operations and value chain to develop, assess, and commercialize smoke-free products that are scientifically substantiated to be a better alternative to continued smoking.



Our 2025 Roadmap goals

See our full 2025 roadmap


Develop and commercialize science-based smoke-free alternatives, making them available in 100 markets (of which at least half are low- and middle-income markets) and continue to increase the total number of users.

Deploy robust youth access prevention programs in indirect retail channels and ensure the sales of our products abide by our Marketing Codes.

Key performance indicators to track our progress

Develop and commercialize science-based smoke-free alternatives, making them available in 100 markets (of which at least half are low- and middle-income markets) and continuing to increase the total number of users
Progress on track

By the end of 2023, our smoke-free products were commercialized in 84 markets*, of which 47 percent were low- and middle-income markets (2022: 73; 42 percent)** We estimate that approximately 33 million adults worldwide were using our smoke-free products, including around 28.6 million adults worldwide were using IQOS (2022: 24.9).***

* For definition of available for sale, see Glossary.
** Excluding PMI Duty Free. World Bank report issued in 2023 is used on a comparative basis for income level classification. For definition of low- and middle-income markets, see Glossary.
*** Figures are based on IQOS user panels and PMI Market Research. Estimated user numbers for oral nicotine and e-vapor are approximate, with further methodology details to be provided in future disclosures. See Glossary.

Deploy robust youth access prevention programs in indirect retail channels and ensure that sales of our products abide by our Marketing Codes
During 2023, we strengthened governance for youth access prevention programs in our indirect retail channels and continued to cover a high share (98 percent) of our total shipment volume with these programs.
fundamentals background

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Learn more about PMI’s Sustainability Index in our Integrated Report 2023. See the full performance metrics and related footnotes here.

The right thing to do

The best choice a person can make is to never start smoking. For those who do smoke, their best course of action is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. However, many do not. Those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke should have access to nicotine-containing products that represent a better alternative than continued smoking.

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The right thing to do

The best choice a person can make is to never start smoking. For those who do smoke, their best course of action is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. However, many do not. Those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke should have access to nicotine-containing products that represent a better alternative than continued smoking.

Scientific and technological innovation have made such alternatives available today. The vast majority of harmful compounds found in cigarette smoke and associated with smoking-related diseases are generated by combustion. Nicotine-containing products that do not involve combustion (smoke-free products), such as e-vapor, oral nicotine, and heat-not-burn products, while addictive and not risk-free, are likely to present a much better alternative than continued smoking.

For adults who would otherwise continue to smoke, scientifically substantiated smoke-free products represent a significant opportunity, as switching to these products has the potential to reduce the risk of developing smoking-related diseases versus continued cigarette use.

Seizing this opportunity to achieve a public health benefit depends not only on the scientifically substantiated risk-reduction profile of these smoke-free products but also on adult smokers successfully switching to them and stopping cigarette use completely. It is therefore critical that all adult smokers are made aware of and have access to smoke-free products, understand their benefits versus continued smoking, find them acceptable, and can afford to buy them.

The business case

Through our early and sustained investment in R&D and consequent leadership in technology and innovation, we have built a powerful position and competitive advantage in scientifically substantiated smoke-free products that can help accelerate the decline of cigarette smoking. By allocating the majority of our resources to the research, development, and commercialization of these better alternatives to continued cigarette smoking,

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The business case

Through our early and sustained investment in R&D and consequent leadership in technology and innovation, we have built a powerful position and competitive advantage in scientifically substantiated smoke-free products that can help accelerate the decline of cigarette smoking. By allocating the majority of our resources to the research, development, and commercialization of these better alternatives to continued cigarette smoking, we are accelerating our progress toward becoming a smoke-free company and, in doing so, are building legitimacy and stakeholder trust. Moreover, pioneering smoke-free alternatives to cigarettes allows us to grow our overall market share in the nicotine space, increasing our current and future revenue base as we seek to encourage all adult smokers (this includes the estimated 130 million adult smokers of our cigarette brands, as well as the hundreds of millions of adult smokers who buy competitor brands) who would otherwise continue to smoke to switch to better alternatives. Further, our smoke-free product consumables drive higher net revenues per unit than cigarettes, with the accretive product contribution per unit already helping to generate returns on our significant investments in developing the smoke-free category.

It is critical for us that the marketing and sale of our products does not interfere with cessation efforts but does encourage switching to better alternatives among those adults who do not quit. Importantly, we also aim to ensure that we do not encourage initiation of nicotine use and that we avoid appealing to youth and other unintended audiences. Disregarding these principles could significantly undermine our credibility, harm our reputation, and even trigger regulation that could hinder our ability to engage freely with adult consumers or enter certain markets, thereby impeding us from achieving our purpose.

Our progress in 2023

Read more in our Integrated Report
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Looking ahead

Policymakers and regulators express the need for real-world data (e.g., disease-specific, epidemiological) before they can embrace tobacco harm reduction, but few within the scientific world appear willing to participate in that data collection and analysis. We are launching studies in countries where the inhaled smoke-free products have been in the market for a number of years and have reasonable market penetration. Our strategy is to show direct benefit in patients with disease by evaluating datasets of symptoms, function, and mortality, and in healthcare utilization, such as hospitalization. Internationally, IQOS ILUMA products have demonstrated how ground-breaking consumer-centric innovation can lead more adults to stop smoking. We believe that same success can be replicated in the U.S. and drive a rapid decrease in smoking rates among adults. Following our PMTA and MRTP applications, we are awaiting decisions from the U.S. FDA.
During 2024, to build further robustness in PMI’s approach to guarding against youth access, we will review current practices and work on testing new ways to complement our preventive measures. This will include exploring ways to strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of our Marketing Codes and commercialization practices. In particular, we intend to pilot our revamped mystery shopper program in select markets in the course of 2024 for our own channels, with the expectation to scale it for a global rollout in 2025. We will aim to focus on direct retail (online and in person) where we have the highest level of control. As we do so, we plan to develop clear standards to define deployment criteria, program scope, and governance, and to issue detailed market-level guidelines with the aim of objectively measuring and reporting on the effectiveness of our youth access prevention efforts.
As we plan to enter the United States market with IQOS, adults who would otherwise continue smoking will be offered a range of smoke-free options that are a better choice than cigarettes. Swedish Match’s nicotine pouch business is a homegrown success, and, as of the end of 2023, ZYN was available via e-commerce and in over 150,000 stores nationwide. In 2024, we will expand our smoke-free portfolio in the U.S. with PMI’s IQOS heat-not-burn product. As we help deliver a cigarette-free U.S., we continue to guard against underage access by restricting marketing and sales to those aged 21 and above, including by age-gating our digital channels. Our efforts, including age-gating our digital channels, go beyond legal requirements. As we further our market expansion, we will ensure that our marketing and commercialization practices follow the stringent requirements of our Marketing Code.
Awareness plays an important role in accelerating adult smoker conversion to smoke-free products. While a significant number of adult smokers are conscious that smoke-free products exist, not many understand the benefits of switching to them (relative to continued cigarette use); importantly, even fewer smokers believe these benefits are true. This is because in many countries where we operate, restrictions related to consumer communication forbid us from openly engaging with them to properly raise awareness. We focus our efforts on reaching adult smokers, while also avoiding unintended audiences such as youth or never smokers. During 2024, we will continue to work on building awareness, focusing on lagging audiences in higher-awareness countries, and building infrastructure, visibility, and especially organizational capabilities in the more restricted, lower-awareness ones. In doing so, we will leverage learning on what has worked so far and replicate where applicable (e.g., re-creating awareness-building approaches that proved successful in restrictive high-awareness countries; deploying experiential retail infrastructure in rural areas; continuing to build credible brands), but also on innovative ways to credibly reach consumers both digitally and physically, and continuing to develop programs that allow us to help smokers better understand the value proposition of our products and strengthen their credibility.
Affordability plays a fundamental role in maximizing access to smoke-free products. We recognize the need to continue expanding our portfolio to develop and offer better alternatives than smoking for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke among different segments of the population, especially in the growing economies. We are committed to serving the over half a billion smokers in these countries globally who deserve better alternatives to continuing smoking. This is why we created this region, to focus on their needs and preferences, and to allow availability of and information on our products while improving our routes to market. We are also adapting our products and programs to different trade environments to ensure that we can improve access to smoke-free products, including by offering adult smokers more affordable solutions. This is how we can make a difference and continue to effectively address the health impact of our combustible products. As of the end of 2023, we were present in  39 low- and middle-income markets worldwide. Looking ahead, we remain committed to ensure that at least half of the markets where we make smoke-free products available for sale worldwide are LMICs.
As a key driver of acceptability, a broad product portfolio can help us accelerate the pace of our transformation, switching adults, who will continue to smoke, away from cigarettes. The IQOS ILUMA induction system, with its superior induction heating technology, has been successful in facilitating conversion to heat-not-burn products, complemented by TEREA consumables addressing consumer preference for flavors and innovation. At the end of 2023, TEREA was the number one tobacco brand in Japan, overtaking both combustible and heated tobacco competitor offerings. The commitment to support adult smokers to switch to smoke-free products continues. We believe our focus on refining the heat-not-burn consumables portfolio to address the needs of full flavor cigarette smokers across different price categories, and enhancements to the communication and onboarding processes at scale, will help us to drive this ambition.

This online content about our Integrated Report should be read in conjunction with PMI’s Integrated Report 2023. This report includes metrics that are subject to measurement uncertainties due to inherent limitations in the nature and methods for data collection and measurement. The precision of different collection and measurement techniques may also vary. This report includes data or information obtained from external sources or third parties. Unless otherwise indicated, the data contained herein cover our operations worldwide for the full calendar year 2023 or reflect the status as of December 31, 2023. Where not specified, data comes from PMI financials, nonfinancials, or estimates. Unless explicitly stated, the data, information, and aspirations referenced in online content do not incorporate PMI’s wellness and healthcare business, Vectura Fertin Pharma. Regarding the Swedish Match acquisition, completed late 2022, unless otherwise indicated, online content does not include information pertaining to their sustainability performance. Please also refer to "This report at a glance" on page 2 of PMI's Integrated Report 2023 for more information. Aspirational targets and goals do not constitute financial projections, and achievement of future results is subject to risks, uncertainties and inaccurate assumptions, as outlined in our forward-looking and cautionary statements on page 214. In PMI's Integrated Report 2023 and in related communications, the terms “materiality,” “material,” and similar terms are defined in the referenced sustainability standards and are not meant to correspond to the concept of materiality under the U.S. securities laws and/or disclosures required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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