Our 2025 Roadmap goal
see our full 2025 roadmapPRESERVE NATURE
Promote biodiversity, address critical water challenges, ensure no conversion of natural ecosystems, and halt deforestation in both our tobacco and pulp and paper supply chains.
Key performance indicators to track our progress
In 2023, we achieved 94 percent of tobacco purchased at no risk of net deforestation of managed natural forest and no conversion of natural ecosystems, and 95 percent of paper, board, and pulp-based supplies purchased at no risk of gross deforestation of primary and protected forests.* Our water stewardship initiatives have contributed to optimizing a total of 8.1 million cubic meters of water in our tobacco-growing areas since 2019, putting us well on track to achieving our aspiration to optimize 25 million cubic meters of water by 2033.**
*For definitions, please see PMI’s Zero Deforestation Manifesto and PMI’s Sustainability KPI
Protocol 2023.
**Indicator is based on the World Resources Institute’s volumetric benefit accounting
methodology and is verified by an external third party.

See full performance metrics
view dataLearn more about PMI’s Sustainability Index in our Integrated Report 2023. See the full performance metrics and related footnotes here.
The right thing to do
Our value chain involves a significant agricultural supply chain, that can have far-reaching effects on the environment, impacting various natural ecosystems.
Read moreThe business case
Our business activities rely on natural resources and healthy ecosystems. The degradation and loss of natural capital can cause disruptions and increase production costs.
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Our progress in 2023
Read more in our Integrated ReportThis online content about our Integrated Report should be read in conjunction with PMI’s Integrated Report 2023. This report includes metrics that are subject to measurement uncertainties due to inherent limitations in the nature and methods for data collection and measurement. The precision of different collection and measurement techniques may also vary. This report includes data or information obtained from external sources or third parties. Unless otherwise indicated, the data contained herein cover our operations worldwide for the full calendar year 2023 or reflect the status as of December 31, 2023. Where not specified, data comes from PMI financials, nonfinancials, or estimates. Unless explicitly stated, the data, information, and aspirations referenced in online content do not incorporate PMI’s wellness and healthcare business, Vectura Fertin Pharma. Regarding the Swedish Match acquisition, completed late 2022, unless otherwise indicated, online content does not include information pertaining to their sustainability performance. Please also refer to "This report at a glance" on page 2 of PMI's Integrated Report 2023 for more information. Aspirational targets and goals do not constitute financial projections, and achievement of future results is subject to risks, uncertainties and inaccurate assumptions, as outlined in our forward-looking and cautionary statements on page 214. In PMI's Integrated Report 2023 and in related communications, the terms “materiality,” “material,” and similar terms are defined in the referenced sustainability standards and are not meant to correspond to the concept of materiality under the U.S. securities laws and/or disclosures required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.