Tobacco and Nicotine Charting Tool
The Tobacco and Nicotine Charting Tool helps you navigating through the database. Create your own dataset to download by selecting one or more countries, supply chain phases, and variables in the left panel. The view options in the top panel allow you to filter the selection by country and year (from 2010 onwards). Please find the definitions of each variable in the Guide to the Tobacco and Nicotine Database, downloadable from the Tobacco and Nicotine Database related page.

Tobacco economics
We’re building PMI’s future on smoke-free alternatives that are a much better choice than cigarette smoking. This bold transformation calls for an in-depth understanding of the global tobacco and nicotine value chain. Find out more about each phase of the chain.
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Tobacco and Nicotine Database
We have developed a publicly available database with worldwide socio-economic information, not only on PMI, but on the tobacco and nicotine industry as a whole. Discover how the data was collected and put together and download the database and its user guide.
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