Our 2025 Roadmap goals
Leverage scientific and development capabilities to generate at least USD 1 billion in annual net revenues from products in wellness and healthcare.
Key performance indicators to track our progress

See full performance metrics
view dataLearn more about PMI’s Sustainability Index in our Integrated Report 2021. See the full performance metrics and related footnotes here.

Over the years, many researchers in the field of harm reduction have asked us why we are not using our knowledge in aerosolization and inhalable devices beyond the tobacco harm reduction space. This was the right question to ask, and building upon the research expertise and knowledge we’ve gained from developing and assessing smoke-free products, we are in a really good position to work on, for example, inhaled therapeutics.

Our progress in 2021
Read more in our Integrated Report2021 performance highlights
- Acquisitions of three innovative and forward-looking companies
- 99 percent of our adjusted R&D expenditure allocated to our smoke-free business and to innovation and pipeline development in the wellness and healthcare business
- Dedication of a further USD 200 million to minority investments in early- and growth-stage companies through PM Equity Partner (PMEP), our corporate venture capital arm
This online content about our Integrated Report should be read in conjunction with PMI’s 2021 Integrated Report. The information and data presented here cover the 2021 calendar year or reflect status at December 31, 2021, worldwide, unless otherwise indicated. Where not specified, data come from PMI estimates. Please also refer to 'This report at a glance' on page 5 of the 2021 Integrated Reportfor more information. Aspirational targets and goals do not constitute financial projections, and achievement of future results is subject to risks, uncertainties and inaccurate assumptions, as outlined in our forward-looking and cautionary statements on page 252. In the 2021 Integrated Report and in related communications, the terms “materiality,” “material,” and similar terms, when used in the context of economic, environmental, and social topics, are defined in the referenced sustainability standards and are not meant to correspond to the concept of materiality under the U.S. securities laws and/or disclosures required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.