Seven new projects have been launched around the world to tackle the multifaceted problem of illicit trade as part of PMI IMPACT’s third funding round.
The global initiative—in partnership with its independent Expert Council—works by fostering an ecosystem of public, private, and non-governmental organizations to counter illicit trade through its grant program.
Since launching in 2016, PMI IMPACT has selected 67 projects to finance. It has allocated close to USD 50 million across 33 different countries to help combat and prevent illegal trade.
New grants have been given to projects in Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. You can learn more about the grantees and the work they’ll be undertaking in the 2022 PMI IMPACT Report.

In the latest funding round, third parties were asked to submit proposals focusing on the following key topics:
- Border control
- Capacity building
- Restorative justice and victims’ protection
- Network engagements, awareness building, and international cooperation
- COVID-19 and the threat of illicit trade
Sharpening the focus on illicit trade prevention
Illicit tobacco trade makes cheap, unregulated tobacco products easily accessible—undermining efforts to reduce smoking prevalence and protect young people from smoking.
Through each funding round, PMI IMPACT has improved and streamlined its processes, making it as effective and efficient as possible in its mission.
To date, grantees have launched a broad range of actions to tackle illicit trade. These include research programs, awareness-raising campaigns, the development of technical solutions, and the funding of specialist equipment designed to combat crime.

They have also provided training for law enforcement agencies and communication initiatives to foster cross-sector and public-private collaboration.
Following this third funding round of PMI IMPACT, some of the new grantees will be focusing on consumer awareness and educational initiatives to bring visibility about the dangers and real-life consequences of illicit trade in different consumer goods.
Other grant recipients will work toward fostering harm-reduction tools and awareness-building that can complement the fight against illicit trade across various commodities. This will also empower consumers with information about risks associated with fake and contraband products.
To find out more about the work delivered by projects financed in our first two funding rounds, you can read the 2022 PMI IMPACT Report.
Working together to delivering IMPACT
Because PMI is committed to delivering a smoke-free future, eliminating illicit trade is a top priority. It’s crucial to protect consumers and communities from its devastating consequences through funding projects, leveraging technology, raising consumer awareness, and providing training for law-enforcement agencies.
This is the spirit of togetherness, through partnerships and funding programs, that holds the key to society’s success in this critical area. But there’s still a long way to go.
Illegal trade is predominantly driven by criminal networks that stretch beyond specific countries, regions, and industries.
Throughout our third funding round, we welcomed new projects—whilst supporting existing ones—to create initiatives aimed at eliminating illicit activity and its related crimes.
By working together, we’ll deliver the biggest IMPACT.