Illicit trade in Europe

3 min read
PMI is committed to encouraging an open dialogue about the most effective ways to combat illicit trade in tobacco and other nicotine-containing products in the European continent, including the 27 EU member states.
OLAF Douanes

A problem without borders

The independent 2023 KPMG annual study on illicit cigarette consumption in Europe has revealed alarming levels of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes across 38 European countries, with organized criminal groups moving their operations closer to higher-taxed and higher-priced Western nations, such as France.

Illicit consumption has grown for the fifth consecutive year in Europe, reaching 52.2 billion cigarettes across the 38 countries included in this study. Today, nearly one in 10 cigarettes on the continent are illicit.

In the European Union (EU), an estimated 35.2 billion illicit cigarettes were consumed in 2023, accounting for 8.3 percent of total consumption in the EU, an increase of 0.1ppt compared to 2022. Overall, governments in the EU lost an estimated EUR 11.6 billion in tax revenue, up from EUR 11.3 billion in 2022.

France is still leading the ranking as the country with the largest illicit consumption in all of Europe, with 16.8 billion illicit cigarettes and EUR 7.3 billion in tax revenues lost.

Counterfeit cigarettes remain one of the main sources of illicit consumption in the EU, with 12.7 billion (36 percent) cigarettes consumed—as criminal networks increasingly target higher-taxes and higher-priced markets. 

Interviews with law enforcement agencies included in the KPMG report shed light onto transnational organized crime’s professionalization of their role in the supply chain of illicit cigarettes: Criminals have expanded the setup of illegal factories, targeting smokers in EU member states that currently struggle with purchasing power. In 2023 alone, law enforcement data shows that 113 clandestine cigarette manufacturing sites in 22 European countries were disrupted by regional and local authorities. 

“We are witnessing an evolution of organized crime groups in Europe,” said Christos Harpantidis, Senior Vice President of External Affairs, PMI. “We consider this phenomenon to be a direct consequence of failed policy approaches that have not done enough to curb illicit trade and reduce smoking prevalence, and is putting consumers, governments, legitimate businesses, and society alike at risk.

“Law enforcement agencies have played an instrumental role in disrupting crime rings dealing in clandestine cigarette production across Europe, as well as cross-border, contraband operations. However, if we want to curb illicit trade in the region altogether, we need a holistic approach that complements tough penalties and strong law enforcement with awareness and educations campaigns about the real-life impact of illicit trade, a predictable fiscal and regulatory environment where adult smokers are not being driven to the black market, and coordinated and committed public-private partnerships.”

PMI praises European law enforcement agencies for their continued crackdown on criminal networks that profit from the illicit tobacco trade, and calls on regulators to advance a sensible, data-driven policy approach that puts consumers—and public health—front and center, and that effectively addresses the challenges posed by the millions of adult smokers who are turning to the black market rather than quitting or switching to smoke-free products.  

KPMG 2023 report: Illicit cigarette consumption in Europe

3 min

Video about consumption of illicit cigarettes in Europe

KPMG 2023 report: Illicit cigarette consumption in Europe

Piano music starts. 
Male voiceover:  
In Europe, consumption of illicit cigarettes has grown for the fifth consecutive year. 
Words on screen read: Consumption of illicit cigarettes in Europe Growth for the fifth consecutive year  
Source on screen reads: “Illicit cigarette consumption in Europe: Results for the calendar year 2023”, KPMG September 2024 [Commissioned by Philip Morris Products SA] 
Male voiceover: 
According to the latest report from KPMG, 52.2 billion contraband and counterfeit cigarettes were consumed across 38 European countries in 2023.  
Of those, 35.2 billion were consumed in the European Union. 
Words on screen:  
£11.6 billion in tax revenue losses  
8.3% of total cigarette consumption in the EU was illicit  
Male voiceover: 
Around 20 billion counterfeit cigarettes were consumed in Europe last year, making them one of the largest sources of illicit consumption on the continent.  
Counterfeit consumption is highest in France, the largest illicit market in Europe. 
Notably, France consumed 16.8 billion illicit cigarettes in 2023.  
Nearly half the total illicit consumption of the EU. 
Words on screen:  
France: 47.7% of total illicit cigarette consumption in the EU  
Estimated tax revenue loss of £7.3 billion in France. 
Male voiceover: 
Organized crime has expanded its network of illegal factories in Western Europe, and continues to target smokers who struggle to afford legitimate products in higher-taxed and higher-priced EU member states. 
Words on screen: 
Organized crime at least 113 illicit manufacturing sites raided in 22 European countries in 2023. 
Male voiceover: 
Criminals are thriving while putting consumers at risk. 
Illicit trade deprives governments of excise revenues and undermines smoking cessation policies. 
Map appears on screen 
There is, however, encouraging news in the KPMG report: Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain are among the countries that have witnessed sizeable decreases in illicit cigarette consumption. 
Words on screen: 
25 European countries share of illicit consumption stable or declining vs 2022.  
Male voiceover: 
The KPMG report should serve as a reminder of how vital it is to wage a diligent fight against illicit trade. 
Millions of adult smokers are turning to the black market instead of quitting cigarettes or, for those who don’t quit, switching to better, smoke-free alternatives. 
Words on screen: 
Diligent fight against illicit trade  
Prevent millions of adult smokers from turning to the black market  
Male voiceover: 
So, what is the best way to address this growing problem in Europe, and beyond?  
Words on screen: 
Addressing this problem in Europe and beyond  
Male voiceover: 
Law enforcement action and deterrent penalties should be the cornerstone of any strategy to tackle illicit trade.  
Predicable fiscal calendars are also much-needed instruments in addressing illicit trade and working to reduce smoking prevalence. 
Equally, awareness and education are powerful tools. 
Words on screen:  
Effective law enforcement  
Predictable fiscal calendars 
Awareness and education  
Male voiceover: 
Preventing illicit trade is central to the success of public health and public security in Europe and beyond. 
Words on screen: 
Delivering a smoke-free future  
Philip Morris International Crest on screen.  

Concerted action in Europe, and beyond, can have long-lasting impact. We’re committed to encouraging open dialogue about the most effective ways to combat illicit trade in tobacco and other nicotine-containing products by involving manufacturers, suppliers of key components, technology providers, customs authorities, and other law-enforcement agencies.

As we advance on our journey toward delivering a smoke-free future, we are increasing our efforts to secure both our supply chain and the products we sell, and protect consumers and our brands from smugglers and counterfeiters.

We collaborate with law enforcement agencies and other organizations all over the world to root out and shut down illegal activities, including counterfeiting and smuggling operations. PMI also continues to support relevant European regulations, such as the EU Tobacco Products Directives’ tracking-and-tracing provisions.

Illicit cigarette consumption in Europe in 2023

(Click on a country or use the magnifying glass to see figures from each country)

Source: “Illicit cigarette consumption in Europe: Results for the calendar year 2023,” KPMG, September 2024 (Commissioned by Philip Morris Products SA)

KPMG revealed that in 26 European countries, illicit consumption share was less than 10 percent of total consumption. Of these, 16 markets had an illicit consumption share of less than 5 percent. And in 25 of the 38 European countries included in the study, the share of illicit cigarette consumption was either stable or declining, compared to 2022. 

“It’s truly encouraging to see a decrease in illicit consumption in countries such as Italy, Poland, Romania, and Spain. We need to continue working together with law enforcement agencies and governments to ensure that illicit trade does not become an even larger problem across the EU,” said Massimo Andolina, President of the Europe region at PMI. “Illicit trade undermines efforts to reduce smoking prevalence. Regulators must make this fight a top priority, while at the same time enabling smoke-free products to be available and affordable for all adult smokers who don’t quit cigarettes.”


Illicit trade fuels ruthless criminal gangs, often impacting the most vulnerable communities and populations. It deprives governments of tax revenue needed to provide public services, including security. The proceeds from illicit trade help facilitate other serious crimes such as human trafficking, corruption, and money laundering.

For PMI, eliminating illicit trade has been a long-standing priority. We implement preventive and protective measures to fight illicit trade, and work with public and private sectors to advance efforts against this global issue.


Effective supply chain controls are key to how we run our business in the EU and beyond

These measures include:

Cooperating with the EU and its member states

In 2004, Philip Morris International, the European Union, and 10 of its member states signed a 12-year cooperation agreement, which by 2009 was ratified by all 28 member states. The purpose of the agreement was to coordinate efforts in combatting illicit trade in PMI brands within the EU.

As part of the agreement, we introduced stringent record-keeping, screening standards for potential business partners, and strict control of cash payments. We also provided USD 1.25 billion in funding to the Commission and member states to underpin these efforts over the course of the agreement.

"This agreement has served its purpose, reducing PMI contraband on the illicit tobacco market and providing public revenues of around USD 1 billion to member states and the EU budget. In a changing legal and market environment, we will redeploy our resources and continue to fight illegal tobacco trade by focusing on cheap whites, strict law enforcement, and strengthened international cooperation."

Kristalina Georgieva, former EU Commissioner, following the agreement’s expiration in July 2016

Results from the 2016 EU Commission report

The anti-contraband and anti-counterfeit cooperation between PMI and the EU has been highly successful.

  • 85 percent drop in the volume of genuine PMI cigarettes seized by member states between 2006 and 2014. The 2016 EU Commission report states that the PMI agreement has effectively met its objective of reducing the prevalence of PMI contraband on the illicit EU tobacco market as demonstrated by an 85 percent drop in the volume of genuine PMI cigarettes seized by member states between 2006 and 2014.
  • 87 illegal cigarette factories were raided, inspected, and shuttered. Thanks to PMI’s support of investigative work and analysis of counterfeit cigarette seizures in the EU, investigators could establish links between different smuggling routes. The result of these efforts is the closure of a substantial number of illegal cigarette factories in the EU.
  • Close to 50 percent of total PMI volume is covered by carton-level tracking and tracing. PMI has been progressively moving from master-level to carton-level tracking and tracing. Our products are tracked at the master-case level in over 120 countries. Now, close to 50 percent of our total volume, including duty free, is covered at the carton level. We have also informed authorities that we expect to increase pack-level tracing, prior to it becoming mandatory in the EU under the Tobacco Products Directive.

2016 - 20236 Items

Latest EU and KPMG reports

  • KPMG report - Illicit Cigarette Consumption in Europe - 2023 Results



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  • KPMG Report - Illicit cigarette consumption in the EU, UK, Norway, Switzerland, Moldova and Ukraine - 2022 Results



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  • KMPG: Illicit cigarette consumption in the EU, UK, Norway and Switzerland—2021 results



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  • KMPG: Illicit cigarette consumption in the EU, UK, Norway and Switzerland—2020 results



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  • KMPG: Illicit cigarette consumption in the EU, UK, Norway and Switzerland—2019 results



    9.35 mb

  • Project Stella: Illicit cigarette manufacturing in the EU—November 2019



    6.44 mb

*Gregoire Verdeaux left PMI in April 2024.

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