About us
It’s a very exciting time for Philip Morris International. After decades of building the world’s most successful cigarette company, we made a big decision to develop smoke-free alternatives.
We have invested billions on innovations to give adult smokers better alternatives than continuing to smoke cigarettes. As we work towards our goal to one day replace cigarettes with smoke-free alternatives, we need to work with the best suppliers to make this happen more quickly.
A message from our Chief Procurement Officer
Philip Morris’ commitment to replace cigarettes with better smoke-free alternatives requires a significant transformation of our business. Our suppliers play a crucial role in helping us deliver solutions that will enable this transformation, and will contribute to the development of a customer-focused, smoke-free product portfolio.
Philip Morris International is absolutely committed to operating responsibly, and this commitment is illustrated by our sustainability strategy and actions. PMI has been recognized as a global leader in sustainability for its efforts in supplier engagement.
In addition, we strongly believe that all the value chain partners need to work together to make a lasting impact on the environment and society as a whole, and we have an important leadership role to play in that space. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our partners, for the tremendous commitment and the outstanding efforts you have shown us over the years to drive the sustainability agenda. I am sure that by working together, we can achieve even greater successes in the future.
Beyond sustainability, we focus on partnership with our strategic suppliers. We build strong and long-lasting strategic relationships, collaborate closely to bring innovation, find improvement opportunities to solve business challenges, and join forces to achieve success. Our vision of a smoke-free future will create new business opportunities to enter new segments, and new industries, through our truly innovative products. This is especially important to support our new product lines, as we deal with new materials, processes, and services where partnership with our suppliers is fundamental for this radical business transformation. We value our partnerships and the work we deliver together to support our smoke-free vision. Together, we can be successful.
Hafed Belhadj
Discover more about PMI and how we work
We’re looking for suppliers who can align with our goals and principles.

Our company
Philip Morris International is a leading tobacco company with offices and products around the world.
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Our values and principles
We are committed to principles on human rights, environmental management, business integrity and anti-corruption.
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