Providing a diversity of choice for adult smokers can unlock the door to a smoke-free future

Our vision of a world without cigarettes will only become a reality if we deliver a range of smoke-free products that meet the needs of every adult who would otherwise continue to smoke.

Putting the needs of ALL adult smokers first

progress in numbers thumbnail

PMI’s smoke-free progress in numbers

Chart our smoke-free success with these key figures from our latest results.
2 min read Learn more

A balanced approach to regulation can end cigarette use

2 min read Read More
Green fields

What is PMI doing to help adult smokers in low- and middle-income countries?

4 min read Read More
exploring better alternatives thumbnail

Exploring the better alternatives to smoking aimed at helping ALL adult smokers leave cigarettes behind for good

3 min read Read More

Watch: It's time to make smoking history

It's time to make smoking history


World map made of green cubes

It's time to make smoking history

Voiceover: Jacek Olczak, CEO, Philip Morris International

This company wants to change the world.

If we can get there this is going to be really phenomenal

Fast-paced music starts

Words on screen read: That’s why at Philip Morris International, we’ve committed to deliver a smoke-free future.

Voiceover: Stefano Volpetti, President, Smoke-Free Inhaled Products & Chief Consumer Officer, PMI.

This company has had the courage, the vision and leadership to establish a new direction.

Voiceover: Bin Li, Chief Product Officer, PMI

It's very difficult for a company to sign up for a big transformation like this.

Words on screen read: Our ambition? To move away from cigarettes.

Voiceover: Stacey Kennedy, President Americas Region and CEO of PMI’s U.S. business:

We are building our company's future around better alternatives to smoking.

Voiceover: Michael Voegele, Chief Digital and Information Officer, PMI:

I think it's a unique challenge being part of a team that revolutionizes the industry

Words on screen read: Since 2008, we’ve invested over 12.5 billion dollars in scientific substantiated smoke-free products.

Voiceover: Jacek Olczak, CEO, Philip Morris International

The end of cigarettes is given, it's about setting a date, setting a timetable, setting a path to get there.

Words on screen read: And by 2030, we aim to have more than two-thirds of our net revenue come from smoke-free business.

We were at 39% (as end of Q4 2023).

Moira Gilchrist, Chief Communications Officer, speaks:

So we've become a company that's centered on bringing better options to people.

Voiceover: Lars Dahlgren, President, Smoke-Free Oral Products and CEO, Swedish Match:

I've been impressed with the boldness of PMI articulating that the future is smoke free products.

Words on screen read: Currently our smoke-free products are available in 84 markets

Voiceover: Dr Moira Gilchrist, Chief Communications Officer, PMI:

We set out to develop these products and gather scientific evidence.

Voiceover: Dr Badrul Chowdhury, Chief Life Sciences Officer, Smoke-Free Products:

You actually have a product where the hundred or so chemicals which are known to be harmful are reduced or eliminated. That's the scientific breakthrough.

Voiceover: Dr Moira Gilchrist, Chief Communications Officer, PMI:

This is transforming the entire industry.

Voiceover: Jacek Olczak, CEO, Philip Morris International:

The evidence is clear. Smoke-free alternatives can accelerate the end of smoking. The world has to move now to help smokers to move to the better alternative.

Learn more about the science behind smoke-free alternatives

Generic heated tobacco product

All about: Heated tobacco products

Scientifically substantiated heated tobacco products are a much better choice than continued smoking for those adults who don’t quit. Discover more about them here.
5 min read Learn more

The problem with burning tobacco

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Think you know Nicotine?

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The critical role of better alternatives to smoking

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